Thursday 7 April 2011


This is a (late) post about our trip to Belgium. I think most bloggers went on the trip, but I'm doing  post about it anyway. We spent a lot of the day in the coach, but luckily I don't get car/coach/sea/going backwards sick.  I would write more but I can't remember lots of things.


  • these were narrow so that people with long guns couldn't swing them round to shoot people.(although they could hold the guns above their heads and do so)
  • the trenches were are so in a zig-zag arrangement, i.e. not straight, because if an enemy came into a trench they wouldn't be able to shoot people in the trenches in a straight line.

  • The German graves were made from black marble (I think), and had eight people to a grave, although there was a mass grave in the middle
  • In the other graveyard, everybody had their own grave
Hill 60
  • I think this was occupied by Germans, but explosives were put under it, so when they went off the Germans panicked and the hill could be taken. 
The Museum
  • Here, we got  card and found out information about the person on the card. My person came from Russia, had to wear a kilt, liked the war, made suicidal decisions and ended up missing. Isn't that nice?
I had lots of pictures but the camera won't connect to the computer, so I'll upload them later.

Friday 11 March 2011


Todays date is a palindromic number! (11.3.11)
A palindrome is a word/phrase that reads the same forwards and backwards, and a fear of palindromes is iabohphobia. (which is actually a palindrome)

Sunday 6 March 2011


For the half term , I went to Norway, so I thought I'd do a blog about Norway, so here it is!

Norway at this time of year is very cold, although the temperature does vary a lot. When we arrived it was -11, although one day it was -19, and literally the next day was -5. On the bus we took to the station, there was a streak of water on the window, but by the end of the ride, it had frozen. Geilo, the place we stayed, is primarily a ski resort town, although as it's a valley surrounded by mountains, there is a lot of scenery to see in the summer. We had to get a three hour train ride from the capital city Oslo, to get there, and the journey is one of the worlds most beautiful train rides. We stayed in apartment that was literally next to the ski place, and the snow there was so deep a wrong step could land you waist deep in the snow. The sloping of the ground by the apartments meant that you could slide down them, which although was fun, was tiring. Although Norway is bigger than Britain, only 4.5 million people live there. To give you  better idea of how few people that is, 4.4 million people watched "Take me out" on TV, week ending 20th of February.

The sun sets really early, and barely rises, and so basically evenings start at 5pm.


Geilo has 4 ski centers which make up one resort. You can hire skis there, and there is a cafe next to it. The ski center has a wide range of slopes, i.e. learner slopes to black slopes (the hardest type), and also a lot of cross country skiing places. On one of the ski lifts, you could see the tallest plateau is North-East Europe, where wildlife like reindeer and wolves live. As most females people wear tights under waterproof trousers while skiing, I've been told men do too! Practically everyone speaks good English in Norway, and practically everyone skis too, as it wasn't rare to see little kids race down red slopes. (second hardest slope type, I think) Some people also skied with their dogs, putting them on leads and being dragged long by them. You can also ski to the resort directly from your front door. No cars  were allowed near the resort, to preserve the whiteness of the snow. I think that resort was the biggest in Norway, but I'm not sure.


I had Norwegian waffles, which are circular and had with jam and cream, but one traditional dish is reindeer, which tastes really good.


Oslo is home to the biggest shopping center and hotel in Norway. Although in 2009, it was the worlds most expensive city. (the food especially is expensive.) In the train station we went to, there was  bread slicer in which you had to slice your own bread with in. There is a lot of art in Oslo, as walls we saw there were covered in mosaics etc.

My photos are below, although there are many because I haven't deleted any. Yet. I added captions to them on picassa, but I don't know how to do a link to my album like Flora...


Friday 11 February 2011

An interesting story...

The following story is from the book Short and Scary, a book of very short scary stories, by Louise Cooper.
I've typed it in how it's written in the book.

Do you believe in fairies?

Two children were playing under an apple tree.
"Do you believe in fairies?" asked one.
The other child shook his head and opened his mouth to say, "No."
But before he could speak, the first child cried,
"Don't! You've got to say that you do believe, cos every time 
someone says they don't, a fairy dies!"
"Oh!" said the other child. "All right then." And he 
added in a loud voice, "I believe in fairies."
Up in a high branch of the apple tree, two fairies 
breathed a sigh of relief.
"That was close!" said one.
"It was," agreed the other, and looked thoughtful. "I
wonder if it works the other way round?"
"What do you mean?" The first fairy was curious.
"Let's try it," said the other fairy. And in a voice too
tiny for the children to hear, she said: "I don't believe in
One child gave a choking gasp and dropped dead in the grass.
The fairies grinned evilly. "This is going to be fun!"
they said.

Well... Hope you enjoyed it!
(I don't believe in homework)

Saturday 29 January 2011

USB microscope!

Here are pictures Shu En, my sister and I took with my mums USB microscope. The microscope goes up to 400 times, and can see cells! Click an image to see a bigger one!

A five pound note


A metal box

A mole on a finger







   We did get a really good picture of my sisters sweat pores "moving", but didn't take a picture. For next time maybe!

Monday 24 January 2011

The topic of my blog is ... a variety of stuff. i.e. things that interests me, random stories and things like that. This means I'll be thinking creatively and sometimes be an independant enquirer.